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Description: ftp资源搜索工具源代码,可以搜索指定IP段内可匿名登陆的FTP服务器-ftp resources source code search tool can search within specified IP of the landing can be anonymous FTP server
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: tzc | Hits:

[Ftp Server一个ftp服务器的原码

Description: 一个ftp服务器的原码,可以下载和上传ftp地址文件-source code of a ftp server,it can download and upload ftp address file
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: 国万 | Hits:

[Ftp Clientftp探索工具

Description: 该软件可搜索指定IP段内的可匿名登陆的FTP服务器。\n 能够指定是自动搜索还是手动搜索. \n 自动搜索每次会开启你指定的线程数进行搜索。当设置手动搜索时,双击一下列表框 的选项就可以打开一个新的线程进行搜索和验证\n\n注意:\n 请不要指定范围过大的IP段,否则在列表框的初始化时会占用不少时间和系统资源。-The software can be designated search of the IP within the landing anonymous FTP server. \ N can be specified manually or automatically search search. \ N automatically search every time you specify will open a few threads search. When installed manually search, click what the options list box will be able to open a new thread of the search and verification \ n \ n Note : \ n Do not designated too much of the IP, otherwise, in the initial list box will occupy a lot of time and system resources.
Platform: | Size: 1862656 | Author: 赵艳 | Hits:


Description: 使用vsftpd架设FTP服务器(使用vsftpd架设FTP服务器.pdf)-erecting use vsftpd FTP server (using vsftpd FTP server set up. Pdf)
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: 老王 | Hits:

[Ftp ClientFTP(dotnet)

Description: 用vc.net编写的ftp客户端应用程序,可连接ftp服务器,并浏览和下载文件.-vc.net prepared with the ftp client application that connects ftp server, and browse and download files.
Platform: | Size: 122880 | Author: | Hits:


Description: linux下用c语言实现的一个ftp程序,包括server和client-using the C Language an ftp procedures, including server and client
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: god | Hits:

[Ftp ServerFTP文件遍历程序

Description: FTP文件遍历程序,可以遍历整个服务器的文件,在进行ftp服务器设计的时候,相当方便,可以直接使用-FTP file ergodic process, the server can traverse the entire document, conducting ftp server design time, it's very convenient, and can directly use
Platform: | Size: 1904640 | Author: 笨蛋 | Hits:

[Ftp ServerFTP Java代码

Description: 此程序是用JAVA写的FTP服务器端.在virtualroots设置FTP根目录,config设置FTP端口,users保存用户登陆帐号.-this program is written in Java FTP server. FTP virtualroots installed in the root directory, config set up FTP port, users keep users landing account.
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 张峰 | Hits:

[Ftp Clientftpcode

Description: 一个FTP服务器的源吗程序 您需要至少在VC6.0的开发环境下才能运行!-a ftp server sourcecode,you need to complie it with visual c++~
Platform: | Size: 199680 | Author: 雨寒 | Hits:

[Windows Developftpserver源代码

Description: ftp server source haohao cankao
Platform: | Size: 190464 | Author: 张洪涛 | Hits:

[Ftp ServerFTP服务

Description: 这是用C#编写的客户器与服务器的程序,为需要使用的人员提供了条件。-this is a client programm and a server programm writen in c#,it provides convenience for people who need it.
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: 李斌 | Hits:


Description: MiniFTPServer是一个基于控制台的ftp服务器程序,能够实现大部分的FTP的服务器程序;注意:帐号密码为toldo,主目录为C:/temp,在连接之前请先建立-MiniFTPServer is a console based on the ftp server, can be achieved most of the FTP server procedures; Note : toldo account password, home directory to C :/temp, in the post before establishing connections
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: GGG | Hits:

[Ftp Clientftp客户端应用程序代码

Description: 本程序完成了到FTP服务器的登录,并动态地显示FTP服务器站点的内容-the procedures completed to the FTP server login, and dynamically display FTP server site content
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 陶钊 | Hits:


Description: ftp服务器编程,采用VC-ftp server programming, using VC
Platform: | Size: 123904 | Author: 陈旭 | Hits:

[Ftp ServerTrivialFTPServer

Description: this code is simple FTP server,also ,it is come from delphi demo,enjoy it!
Platform: | Size: 220160 | Author: 张尧 | Hits:

[Ftp ServerCorpServerService2

Description: 最全面的基于TCP/IP的FTP服务器端要和我上传的客户端一起使用,还有聊天的功能,java程序代码,多线程设计,我花了将近二个月的时间-the most comprehensive TCP/IP-based FTP server to upload and my client used together, chat functions, java code, multithreaded design, I spent nearly two months of the time
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 彭宇 | Hits:

[Ftp ServerMini FtpServer

Description: 一个演示工作原理命令的ftp服务器程序,使用信号量和临界区解决多线程的同步和互斥问题 -a demonstration of principle orders ftp server, the use of volume and signal to solve critical multithreading and synchronization of Mutual Exclusion
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 胡军 | Hits:


Description: ftp_server ftp服务器端程序-ftp_server ftp server procedures
Platform: | Size: 183296 | Author: 风波 | Hits:


Description: 计算机网络-FTP演示程序。此为FTP服务器源程序,配合客户端源程序可以组成一个完整得FTP系统。-computer network-FTP demonstration program. FTP server for this source to meet client source can form a complete system in FTP.
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: 青柿子 | Hits:


Description: ftp服务器代码,它可以同时接受多个ftp连接(多线程)并具有大部分的一些商业ftp服务器的功能。服务器支持所有基本的ftp命令并提供给用户简单的管理接口,支持虚拟目录。 -ftp server code, it can also accept a number of ftp connections (multithreading), and with most of the commercial ftp server functions. The server supports all basic ftp orders and to provide a simple user interface management, support virtual directory.
Platform: | Size: 169984 | Author: | Hits:
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